The design of project is based on road alignment and slope stabilization to avoid the damage of rock fall.

The design of project is based on road alignment and slope stabilization to avoid the damage of rock fall.
Tunnel Construction, Station Construction, Switchboxes, Emergency Exits, Passengerway (NATM / CutCover), Architectural Finishes (PS), ElectroMechanical Works (PS), Utilities (PS)
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Qatar Integrated Railway Project Design & Build Package 3 Gold Line Underground
The project covers the establishment of a limestone quarry with the average production rate of 500 tons of limestone per day, a dolomite quarry with the average production rate of 205 tons of dolomite per day, related infrastructure facilities.
The project consists of the construction of telecommunication manufacturing plant, having the covered area of 32.000.m2 and all electrical and mechanical installations.
Construction of a new ballast water tank, a new fire station building, a new open warehouse, cleaning, desludging and repair works on two crude oil tanks and one fire water tank, repair, works on jetties and control rooms.
The Construction of a complete industrial vehicles assembly and manufacture plant.
The project covers the construction of Reinforced Concrete Buildings, Structural steel buildings, Water and fuel tanks, Ecological Works, Area Works, Mechanical Installation.
Construction of 63,500 m3 Floating Roof Crude Oil Storage Tank.
The civil works of a complete tire factory located near Izmit, TURKEY.
The project is basically the construction and airport maintenance complex, designed to accomodate five commercial jet airplanes including DC-10’s simultaneously, for maintenance and overhauling.
The project is the construction of a total 14 number of storage sheds at five different locations. Storage sheds are structural steel prefabricated buildings with the following characteristics.