Recep Çimen

General Manager – Construction Group

Recep CIMEN is the General Manager of STFA Construction Group. He was born in Gumushane in 1962. Following his graduation from …

Gurol Celen

Gürol Çelen

Deputy General Manager - Operations

Gürol Çelen is Deputy General Manager of STFA Contruction Group since January 2020. He was born in 1976 and graduated from …

Celalettin İlhan

Deputy General Manager - Tenders

Graduated from Istanbul Technical University as a Civil Engineer and joined STFA as a Project Engineer at STFA Group’s engineering arm, …

Sergun Okur

Deputy General Manager - Finance (CFO)

Received a BSc degree in Management from Bilkent University and completed MSc in Accounting and Finance at the London School of …