Seniority Award Ceremony

STFA Recognizes Years of Service to the Company

Following a tradition started in 1989, STFA recently honoured 137 employees of the STFA Construction Group at a seniority awards ceremony held at STFA headquarters.  At the ceremony, plaques were awarded to the honourees in recognition of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 years of service. The awards were given by STFA Investment Holding Honorary President Tomris Taskent, Board Members Sezai Taskent, Alp Taskent, Nur Taskent and STFA Construction Group President Mustafa Karakus.

STFA Investment Holding Chairman Ilker Keremoglu, CEO Mehmet Ali Neyzi, Construction Group President Mustafa Karakus and Human Resources Vice President Ozer Erman gave speeches on the occasion.  STFA Investment Holding Honorary President Tomris Taskent was also recognized for her service to the company with a special plaque.

After the ceremony, everyone was invited to a cocktail party held to welcome the new year.

Established by Sezai Turkes and Feyzi Akkaya, legendary names in the construction industry in Turkey, STFA continues to be a leader in that sector.  Under its new management, STFA has undertaken significant construction projects in Turkey and the Middle East.  It has maintained its dominance and expertise in sea constructions such as ports, piers, docks and infrastructure works such as roads, bridges and tunnels.  Together with Energaz Company, it is the second biggest private company engaged in natural gas distribution in the country.  The seniority awards ceremony recognizes the men and women who have helped make STFA the  “Company of Innovations” that it is today.