The scope of work includes onshore /nearshore drillings, in situ testings onshore and nearshore geophysical measurements, laboratory testing and factual reporting

The scope of work includes onshore /nearshore drillings, in situ testings onshore and nearshore geophysical measurements, laboratory testing and factual reporting
The scope of work includes onshore /nearshore drillings, in situ testings including Sea Bed CPTu and Seismic SCPT testing, onshore and nearshore geophysical measurements, laboratory testing and factual reporting
The scope of work includes onshore drillings , in situ testings , onshore geophysical measurements, laboratory testing and geotechnical reporting
In the scope of Doha Metro Gold Line Project, curtain grouting is planned for reduction of the groundwater inflow during the construction phase . In order to achieve that various numbers of both vertical and inclined (up to 18° from vertical) boreholes are drilled down to 36m depth and grouted bottom up by single packer grouting method at 5m long stages having 10 to 2 bars of descending pressure criteria.
Field work comprised of 32 nos boreholes, Performing hand vane test in test pit or trench 44 Nos Performing rising head permeability test 8 Nos Performing constant head permeability test 30 Nos Performing single packer water pressure test 35 Nos and performs laboratory tests and preparation of geotechnical report.
In the scope of DP World Yarımca Container Terminal project below listed works are completed
successfully, Geotechnical Design of project is prepared and approvals are received From Consultant and IDV ,Trial JG Designs are carried out and JG parameters are selected , A total 14 954 nos JG columns are constructed with a total of 261.314 m Jet Grouting , Performance Load tests on Single Columns are carried out ,Multi Column Load tests are carried out on selected group of Columns, Visual checks , Rotary corings and UCS tests arecarried out at selected columns, PIT tests are executed on selected columns ,CPT tests are carried at selected zones.
• Drilling of 73 nos onshore and 4 nos nearshore boreholes. Conducting standard penetration tests and collecting shelby samples. Also 4 standpipe piezometers are installed in some of the boreholes to measure the groundwater level.
• Conducting 20 nos Field CBR and 7 nos Plate
Load Tests
• Performing geophysical tests including total 7 nos
seismic downhole
TERRACE 1 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 1”, 46 boreholes are drilled to max. 41.00 meters of depth. Furthermore, 5 nos pressuremeter tests, 8 nos permeability tests, 1 no seismic refraction, 1 no seismic reflection, 4 nos electric resistivity tests,laboratory tests are carried out and 2 nos casagrande type standpipe are installed for ground water monitoring.
TERRACE 2 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 2”, 102 boreholes are drilled to max. 40.50 meters of depth. Furthermore, 11 nos pressuremeter tests, 8 nos permeability tests, 1 nos water pressure tests, 8 nos seismic refraction, 4 nos seismic reflection, 11 nos seismic down-hole tests and 7 nos seismic cross-hole tests, 22 nos electric resistivity tests, laboratory tests are carried out and 4 nos Casagrande type standpipe piezometers are installed ground water monitoring.
TERRACE 3 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 3”, 60 boreholes are drilled to max. 41.00 meters of depth. Furthermore, 7 nos pressuremeter tests, 8 nos permeability tests, 3 nos seismic refraction, 3 nos seismic reflection, 4 nos seismic down-hole tests and 1 nos seismic cross-hole tests, 8 nos electric resistivity tests, 1 no thermal resistivity test , laboratory tests are carried out and 3 nos Casagrande type standpipe piezometers are installed ground water monitoring.
TERRACE 4 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 4”, 113 boreholes are drilled to max. 40.00 meters of depth. Furthermore, 8 nos pressuremeter tests, 12 nos permeability tests, 6 nos seismic refraction, 3 nos seismic reflection, 7 nos seismic down-hole tests and 3 nos seismic cross-hole tests, 22 nos electric resistivity tests, 1 no thermal resistivity tests, laboratory tests are carried out and 6 nos casagrande type stand-pipe piezometers are installed for ground
water monitoring.
TERRACE 5 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 5”, 70 boreholes are drilled to max. 60.00 meters of depth. Furthermore, 5 nos pressuremeter tests, 6 nos permeability tests, 10 nos seismic refraction, 4 nos seismic reflection, 1 no seismic down-hole tests and 1 no seismic cross-hole tests, 16 nos electric resistivity tests, laboratory tests are carried out and 3 nos casagrande type standpipe piezometers are installed for ground water monitoring.
TERRACE 6 – On the onshore part of the investigation site “Terrace 6”, 38 boreholes are drilled to max. 50.00 meters of depth. Furthermore, 4 nos pressuremeter tests, 7 nos permeability tests, 7 nos seismic refraction, 4 nos seismic reflection, 2 nos seismic down-hole tests, 5 nos electric resistivity tests and laboratory tests are carried out and 1 no casagrande type standpipe are installed for ground water monitoring
OFFSHORE – On the Off shore part of the investigation, 35 boreholes are drilled to
max. 83.50 meters of depth and laboratory tests are executed on
suitable samples.
Accordingly the scope of the soil investigation, the fieldwork covers drilling a total of 27 nos. on shore boreholes for PS Yard Yarımca Container Project, with core or soil recovery, sampling, carriying out of in-situ test in borehole like Standart Penetration Test (SPT), and performs laboratory tests and preparation of geotechnical report.
The project covers a total of 617 boreholes and 193 testpits at the Central & Eastern Branch and Abu Aisha Storage Reeservoirs in Libya.