Port Development for the Misurata Steel Complex

A port development project to serve the Misurata Steel Complex to be established in the town of Misurata located at 210 km. East of Tripoli, Libya. The scope covers the onstruction of breakwaters, bulk berth, small craft harbour, dredging and reclamation.

Brega Industrial Commercial Port Maintenance Project

The project consists of the demolishing and reconstruction of the Breakwater upper structure (700 m in length) and the loading quay for Napth, Urea, Ammonia and Methanol which is still in use of Sirte Oil Company, and other repair works.

Gecol Fast Track Simple Cycle Power Plant Project

The objective of this investigation was to determine the onshore subsoil conditions at the site for various building components, so as, to provide information related to the evaluation of the
subsurface conditions. The number, locations and depth of boreholes are decided to obtain satisfactory information about the subsoil conditions.
The summary of executed geotechnical investigations are as follows,

– Drilling a total of 7 nos boreholes such as
– Standard Penetration Test (SPT),
– 4 nos Trial Pits,
– Installation of 3 nos standpipe for ground water monitoring.

Medina Tower Project

Subsoil investigations have been carried out at Medina Tower project site according to the technical specifications received from Owner and supervision of Architect  and Civil Works Contractor during  field and laboratory works.

Zweitina Combined Cycle Power Plant

Drilling a total of 5 nos boreholes and execution of
insitu & geophysical tests, Standart penetration
tests(SPT), Execution of siesmic reflection survey
on 5 lines along and 2 lines cross the pipeline.
Drilling a total of 16 nos boreholes and execution
of insitu & geophysical tests, Standart penetration
tests(SPT), 9 nos field permeability tests, 1 no well
pump test, 4 nos pressuremeter tests, 7 nos field
density tests, 7 nos plate load tests, 6 nos
electrical resistivity tests, 2 nos thermal resistivity
tests, 1 no seismic down hole tests and intallation
of 1 no standpipe for ground water monitoring.
Tracks spaced were about 25m apart
perpendicular to the coast line and the
bathymetric survey points along each profile were
spaced at 1 sec. Control lines spacing were about
250m parallel to the coast line.
The carried out works covers the detaied
topographical survey and preparation of map at
scale of 1:500 suitable for preparation of the
detailed design of the power plant facilities.

Al Khalij Power Plant Project

This work was conducted on an agreement signed with Arcona oil services Libya in order to carry out near shore geotechnical investigations for Al Khalij power plant project. Atotal of bine near shore boreholes drilled up to maximum 16.25m. Total length of drilling is 144.75m.

Tripoli Tower Project

The investigation consisted; drilling a total of 15 nos. boreholes (a total of 8 boreholes drilled up to 25m. depths at park section, a total of 4 boreholes drilled up to 50m. depths, a total of 2 boreholes drilled up to 60m. depths and 1 borehole drilled up to 70m. depth at tower section), together with the relevant field tests, such as Standard Penetration Tests (SPT), Permeability tests, Seismic Wave Down Hole Testing , Menard Pressuremeter tests are performed at selected boreholes.