The design of project is based on road alignment and slope stabilization to avoid the damage of rock fall.

The design of project is based on road alignment and slope stabilization to avoid the damage of rock fall.
Due to the confidential nature of the works, details cannot be disclosed.
The contract consisted of four lots including construction of a suspension bridge having 1090 m main span between two towers having 105 m height. Deck of the bridge is 39 meters wide and is at 64 meters from sea level. Total length of the roads is 220 km.
Construction of 5263 m long 2×2 motorway between Ümraniye-Altunizade connecting the first and the second ring roads, 9217 m long 1×2 side roads, miscellaneous ancillary roads and junction roads.
The 18 km Road Construction including pavement, asphalting safety items & markings.
The Project is the Interchange of Lahore-Islamabad Motorway at Jaranwala Road (6 lane dual carriage way, length appromixately 17 kms) and also includes RAVI Bridge.
The 60 km road construction including pavement, asphalting safety items & markings from Saraigambila to Karak.
The works under this Contract comprise the construction of 62 km 4-lane dual carriageway having 2 lanes in each direction and 4.5 m earth-median between the two carriageways.
Improvement and Upgrading of Indus Highway (N-55) from Shori Nullah to Rajanpur (Approximately 96 km).
The length of Miari Bridge is 92.742 m (3 x 30.91m). 12 nos of post-tensioned I-beams are used for the super structure.
The contract includes construction of 75 km 2 x 2 highway, 9 crossings with bridges, 1 underpass, 4 overpass, 50 km 1 x 1 service road and the lighting works for the whole route. Bridge structures involve precast deck beams, numerous multi-cell culverts, 50 kms of service roads.