Installation Of The Complete Explosion Proof Electrical Equipment, Power, Lighting And Grounding Systems Of The Plant- TURKEY
2x150mva Kangal Thermo Power Plant 154 Kv Switchyard
2x150mva Kangal Thermo Power Plant 154 KV Switchyard- TURKEY
400 Kv, 253 Km Elbistan-ankara Transmission Line
Design and tests of 5 different types of towers. 4,001 tons tower fabrication, 4,001 tons erection of 400 kV, 253 km energy transmission line.
Hamidabad Natural Gas Combine Conversion Station for Teaş
Hamidabad Natural Gas Combine Conversion Station For Teaş- TURKEY

380 Kv, 177 Km Karakaya-keban (east-west) Transmission Line
The project covers the 434 numbers of towers, 380 kV, 177 km wire stringing works.
Manavgat Hydroelectric Power Plant 154 Kv Switchyard for Kepez Electricity Co.
Manavgat Hydroelectric Power Plant 154 KV Swithcyard For Kepez Electricity Co. – TURKEY
154 Kv, 259 Km Transmission Line
The project covers the design, prototype and tests, BS-CS-DT type towers. 3,634 tons tower fabrication, 3,634 tons erection of 154 kV, 259 km energy transmission line.
300nos. Kiosk in Saddam City
Supply, Erection And Putting Into Service Of 300nos. Kioks In Saddam City – IRAQ
Auxillary Grounding Transformers
Auxillary Grounding Transformers – IRAQ
400 Kv, 206 Km çankiri-osmanca Transmission Line
The project covers the manufacturing and erection of 544 numbers of towers, and 206 km wire stringing of 400 KV transmission line.