Petrofac South Yoloten Gas Field Development Project

The South Yoloten Gas Field Development Project is a new facility being developed in the aforesaid region. The proposed facility consists of Central Processing Facilities (CPF), Gas Treatments Units, Gas Export Pipeline and many other units and facilities. NCC is awarded with the contract for construction of the 10kV OHL from CPF 1 to Shatlyk Compression Station along the Gas Export Pipeline, which was subjected to this geotechnical investigation.

Izmit Bay Suspension Bridge Project

Drilling a total of 22 nos boreles and execution of, standart penetration tests (SPT), laboratory testing and geotechnical reporting. At project site, onshore topographical surveys and bathymetrical surveys are executed at selected locations.

Adjaristsqali Cascade Hydropower Project

Drilling a total of 22 nos boreles up to maximum 100m depths, rotex type drilling with DTH, in situ testing, rising head, constant head permeability testing, water pressure testings, detailed rock logging, in situ laboratory testing, factual reporting.

Karachi Port Qasim Lng Terminal Site

Drilling a total of 5 nos boreholes at Jetty Area and
19 nos boreholes along pipeline and execution of,
Standart penetration tests (SPT),laboratory testing
and geotechnical reporting.
Drilling a total of 2 nos boreholes and execution of
Standart penetration tests (SPT), and laboratory
testing and geotechnical reporting.
At projec site, following surveys are executed;
• 265 km bathymetrical surveying
• 75 km Subbottom profiling
• 60 km Side Scan Sonar measurements
• CTD measurements at 12 nos locations,
• Current and Tidal Measurements at 2 nos
locations for 3 months period
• Seismic Hazard Asssetment Report
• Inventory Study to Met Ocean Conditions

Kabataş Jetty And Surroundings Regulation Project

8 nos onshore boreholes drilled up to maximum
36.00 m. Depths, 6 nos seismic refraction, 4 nos
electrical resistivity measurements were executed
and laboratory tests were carried out on selected samples.
6 nos nearshore boreholes were drilled
(maximum depth 42.50m) and laboratory tests
were carried out on selected samples and
geotechnical report is prepared.

Istanbul Seaport Project Marine Tourism Facilities And Cruise Harbour

15 nos onshore boreholes were drilled up to max.
30.45 meters of depth. 3 nos pressuremeter tests,
6 nos permeability tests, 10 nos seismic
refraction,9 nos electric resistivity tests are executed.
23 nos nearshore boreholes were drilled up to
max. 63.45 meters of depth, 4 nos of PS Logging
Tests were executed at selected boreholes and
laboratory tests were carried out on selected
samples and geotechnical report is prepared.

Zweitina Combined Cycle Power Plant

Drilling a total of 5 nos boreholes and execution of
insitu & geophysical tests, Standart penetration
tests(SPT), Execution of siesmic reflection survey
on 5 lines along and 2 lines cross the pipeline.
Drilling a total of 16 nos boreholes and execution
of insitu & geophysical tests, Standart penetration
tests(SPT), 9 nos field permeability tests, 1 no well
pump test, 4 nos pressuremeter tests, 7 nos field
density tests, 7 nos plate load tests, 6 nos
electrical resistivity tests, 2 nos thermal resistivity
tests, 1 no seismic down hole tests and intallation
of 1 no standpipe for ground water monitoring.
Tracks spaced were about 25m apart
perpendicular to the coast line and the
bathymetric survey points along each profile were
spaced at 1 sec. Control lines spacing were about
250m parallel to the coast line.
The carried out works covers the detaied
topographical survey and preparation of map at
scale of 1:500 suitable for preparation of the
detailed design of the power plant facilities.

Türkmenistan Gas Desulfurization Plant

The subsoil investigations consisted of drilling a total of 67nos boreholes together with standard penetration test (SPT) , excavation of 5 nos test pits, 6 nos plate load tests (PLT), 15 nos of in-situ density tests and 43 nos of electrical resistivity tests.