Crude Oil Tank Farm Terminal Project

Accordingly the scope of the subsoil investigation consists of; drilling a total of 18 nos. boreholes together with Standard Penetration Tests (SPT), excavation of 5 nos. Test Pits, 26 nos. of Cone Penetration Tests (CPT), 2 nos. of PS Logging Tests and 8 nos. of Electrical Resistivity Tests.

Gtpogt Expansion And Modification For Gragol Deniz West Oil Development Project

The scope of the subsoil investigation consists of; drilling a total of 23 nos. boreholes together with Standard Penetration Tests (SPT), excavation of 1 no. Test Pit, 5 nos. Cone Penetration Tests
(CPT), 1 no. PS Logging Test, 2 nos Plate Load Tests, 6 nos Permeability Tests, 3 nos Piezometer
Readings on selected holes and 14 nos, 14 nos Electrical Resistivity Tests and PS Logging tests.

Marmaray Cr-3 Project- Asia & European Side

The summary of executed geotechnical investigations is as follows, drilling of a total of 30 nos. boreholes with core/soil recovery, sampling, carrying out of in-situ test in borehole like Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and performing of laboratory tests and preparation of factual report.

The summary of executed geotechnical investigations is as follows, drilling of a total of 7 nos. boreholes with core/soil recovery, sampling, carrying out of in-situ test in borehole like Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and performing of laboratory tests and preparation of factual report.

New Asghabat International Airport Project

The subsoil investigation report for New Ashgabat International Airport Project consists of field investigations such as borehole drillings (160nos), with standard penetration tests (SPT), permeability testing (lugeon or variable/constant head tests), pressuremeter tests, field CBR test, cone penetration tests (CPT), dynamic cone penetration tests, field vane tests, trial pits, in-situ density tests, plate loading tests, dynamic plate loading tests, seismic reflection tests, PS Logging and two dimensional electrical resistivity test.

Epcc Of Horizontal Drict Drilling And Power Cable Installation

The subsoil investigation consists of; drilling a total of 4 nos. boreholes together with Standard Penetration Tests (SPT).

The work provide power supply from Avaza (Mainland) to Kizıl-Su Island by Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) method to install trenches pipes to enable the power cable to be lay. Two horizontal drilling get a diameter 30cm have be carried out to installation of 2 nos X App.850m length Polyethylene Pipes (OD. 20cm) to pulling 10 kW Electrical Cables below 15m depth from sea bed level. 250 tons pulling capacity Horizontal Drilling Rig has been utilized to these drilling and pulling operation.

Gecol Fast Track Simple Cycle Power Plant Project

The objective of this investigation was to determine the onshore subsoil conditions at the site for various building components, so as, to provide information related to the evaluation of the
subsurface conditions. The number, locations and depth of boreholes are decided to obtain satisfactory information about the subsoil conditions.
The summary of executed geotechnical investigations are as follows,

– Drilling a total of 7 nos boreholes such as
– Standard Penetration Test (SPT),
– 4 nos Trial Pits,
– Installation of 3 nos standpipe for ground water monitoring.

Medina Tower Project

Subsoil investigations have been carried out at Medina Tower project site according to the technical specifications received from Owner and supervision of Architect  and Civil Works Contractor during  field and laboratory works.

Mersin Akkuyu Nukleer Power Plant Nearshore & Onshore Soil Investigation Project

A total of 70 nos onshore boreholes are drilled up
to 70 m depths and total onshore drilling is
2368.5 m.
Acker Renagade and Diamec 262 type drill rigs are
utilized for Onshore boreholes.
A total of 101 nos boreholes drilled up to 30 m
depths from sea bed bottom, geophysical and
pressuremeter tests are executed at selected
boreholes.Total nearshore drilling is 2434.50 m.
At Nearshore boreholes,
1. Ergun Hoca Jack Up,
2. İsmail Hakkı Jack Up,
3. Galata Barge Platform
4. Catamaran Type Gölcük Barge
5. Platforms are utilized.