Khan Academy Turkish with the goal of providing equal opportunities for all in Turkish education has delivered over 1.2 million lessons in a short time. It is expected that 240 million Turkish speakers worldwide will benefit from Khan Academy Turkish learning content.
Founded by Salman Khan in 2006 and quickly transformed into a platform where millions of people receive a worldclass
education for free; Khan Academy has been hailed as a revolution in education. Khan Academy, the world’s biggest classroom with over 365 million lessons delivered so far, is a not-for-profit organization. Khan Academy’s aim is to provide a free world-class education to anyone, anywhere, anytime. Thanks to the collaboration with the Scientific and Technical Publications Translation Foundation, an STFA foundation, Khan Academy platform and courses are now available in Turkish.
Considered to be an innovation in Turkish education, this collaboration between Khan Academy and STFA’s Scientific and Technical Publications Translation Foundation was announced to the public at a press conference attended by STFA CEO Mehmet Ali Neyzi, Head of Educational Publications and Content at the Ministry of National Education YE TEK General Directorate Mustafa lkhan and Khan Academy executives from the U.S.A. as well as the Scientific and Technical Publications Translation Foundation Board of Trustees.
Mehmet Ali Neyzi said about the collaboration: “Right now, with the 21st century technology, there’s a great change going on worldwide in the field of teaching and learning. Khan Academy is considered to be the leader of this change and it gives us a glimpse of the education system of the future.
This is a period where we’re also witnessing innovative steps being taken in Turkey in the field of education. Our aim is to use technology as a tool and make the Khan Academy platform, where anyone can get a free world-class education at their own pace whenever and wherever they want, accessible to millions of students, teachers, parents who want to help their kids with their classes, anyone receiving distance education, in short anyone who wishes to learn or teach, in Turkish. As STFA, celebrating our 75th anniversary, we are proud to be a part of this educational innovation in Turkey and worldwide, and bringing the world’s biggest free learning platform Khan Academy to Turkish through the Scientific and Technical Publications Translation Foundation, which has been active since 1992.”