One Of The Caissons Have Been Floated

In İzmit Bay Crossing Project, One of the Caissons Have Been Floated

An important phase of the Izmit Bay Crossing Project has been successfully completed. In a ceremony attended by the Minister of Transport Binali Yıldırım, the Director General of Highways, and senior managements of the project’s main contractors NOMAYG, IHI and STFA, one of the caissons upon which the abutments will be constructed has been floated (27.09.2013).


One of the caissons have been floated to the Temporary Supply Dock on the coast of Kaytazdere, 11 km from the drydock on Yalova’s Hersek Cape. The other caisson is expected to be floated in the upcoming days.


The caisson floating ceremony received great interest from the Highways senior officers to authorities from surrounding counties, from the main contractor’s senior executives to the press and the local population. An important milestone for the project was thus completed with great enthusiasm and success. In the next phase, work will commence at the sea.